Positive Intervention For All
Mental Health Intervention
Our Mental Health & Complex Needs intervention services includes community support, day centres, supported accommodation, home visit, and befriending services, and enables people to recover at their own pace, on their own terms
Continuous Home Care
Our services support the transition from hospital to home-based care by stopping people being admitted to hospital, and enabling others to come home more quickly.
We provide expert nursing and therapeutic care in the home, to complement and enhance existing hospital-based patient services. This makes healthcare systems more flexible, efficient and cost-effective. We focus on hiring the best specialist and multidisciplinary staff and putting in place systems that deliver a responsive, patient-centred and clinically-led service. Our commitment to staff wellbeing and applying new technologies supports this goal
Intervention for Drugs and Alcohol
We provide recovery focused support and interventions to people with a range of drug and alcohol related dependencies. We empower them to make positive decisions around their addictions and to support them on their journey away from substance dependence.
We support people with a range of complex needs which often includes substance misuse. Our services are open and accessible so that people feel relaxed and able to talk to us about their dependency issues. All our support is offered in a non-judgemental and non-punitive way.
Learning Disabilities Intervention
We support people living with disabilities, sensory disabilities, long-term conditions or facing challenging life situations to live well, whatever that means to them.
We support people to take control of their life, focusing on the person, not their situation. We listen to what a person tells us they need and we tailor our support around that, working beside people until they are able to manage life without us.
Our support can help you maintain your accommodation and your ability to live independently in the community. Depending on your requirements, which focusses on the core objective of promoting maximum independence and to meet your specific needs.
Supported Living
Working closely with residents, their families, carers and health professionals, we deliver quality support and housing that helps people on their pathway to independence.
Counselling Support Services
Our counsellors are happy to talk to you about anything that’s bothering you, from an inability to study, poor concentration and depression, to relationship problems and bereavement.
We understand it may be difficult to ask for help, but we encourage you to get in touch. All counselling sessions are confidential – see our code of practice on confidentiality and data protection: